Extended Profile

1. Students

1.2-1.3 Reserved category students list 2017-18

1.2-1.3 Reseved category list 2018-19

1.2-1.3 Reseved category students list 2019-20

1.2-1.3 Reseved category students list 2020-21

1.2-1.3 Reseved category students list 2021-22

1.1 Number of student onroll during the last five years

1.1 clearification regarding number of student during the Last five years


1.2 NCTE Letter

1.2 Students extended profile

1.3 Central -State government reservation policy

1.3 Number of seats earmarked for reserve category

1.4 Number of outgoing-final year students who appeared for final examination and 1.5 Number of graduating students year wise_compressed

1.5 No. of students enrolled year wise last five year

1.5 Result sheets issued by the affiliating University

1.6 Number of students enrolled year wise during the last five years

2. Teachers

2.1 List of Full Time Teacher

2.2 NCTE Norms

3. Institution

3.1 Audited Statement of Income and Expenditure highlighting the salary component

3.1 Audited Statement of INcome and Expenditure

3.2 Invoice Bill Of Computer

3.2 Stock Register